In the wake of recent disruption, many institutions are raising their hands to stand up electronic forms, automated workflows and content management in order to complete comprehensive, digital records for students and employees. The past few months it has been our privilege to help colleges, universities and school districts, of all sizes and across North America, implement the solutions needed to achieve operational transformation.

Just this month, we asked a higher education institution from Canada, who recently chose to deploy our Etrieve platform in the cloud, about key factors in their decision to add new technology at this time.

Here are their Top 10:

  1. The capability to integrate document management, e-forms and workflow automation with their ERP (Ellucian Colleague)
  2. Eliminating manual, paper-based workflows
  3. Enabling digital workflows that are embedded into Colleague
  4. Positioning Etrieve as a core component to Colleague
  5. Cloud-hosted service offering that supports local directory authentication
  6. Scalable across the organization
  7. Improved document access and security
  8. Softdocs specializes in document management and workflow that is designed for higher education
  9. Softdocs is not tied to any one hardware vendor or platform
  10. Softdocs has a substantial higher education customer base

As you look around your campus, you might find 10 reasons to move forward with ECM as well. We’d welcome the chance to hear what catches your eye. And, if you’d like to learn more about our Etrieve platform, well we’d be happy to discuss that too!